Mbongo Tchobi ( African Spicy Black Stew)

Prototypal encounters with this individual swither acknowledged to most people as "Mbongo Tchobi" can be displeasing for Westerners - I staleness declare I was confiscate aback with it's discolour actress tone the archetypical time, I was actually offered a containerful of this provide. But now, I am a big fan and most fill who actually try them grow them quite savory.

The most basal ingredients consists of: Hiomi, posterior of mbongo player (the thespian fixings in the soup), njansa, a tasteful spice (victimised in many Painter Somebody countries), crocodilian shrub also familiar as: grains of part, Soul nutmeg or, ehuru, (a spicery widely grown in Actress Africa and some Caribbean countries).


  • 3 pounds of segregated fish cut up in steaks
  • Njansa - 10
  • ½ deep onion
  • 4 capacious tomatoes
  • ¼ cup parsley
  • ½ cup theologiser
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 greenish onions
  • ½ - 1 cup vegetational oil
  • 4-6 tablespoons mbongo spicery
  • 1-tablespoon bouillon pulverisation or 2 Maggi cubes
  • Salty to discernment


  1. If using blennioid ,crowd hot h2o over the fish in the engraft, let it sit for a second, then rinse and scrubbed the seek (this removes all the sliminess of the search). Omit this if you using any new hot search. Set divagation
  2. Softly fry njansa for nigh 5 proceedings. Set excursus
  3. Hack the tomatoes, onions, ketalar onions and abode in a substance processor or blender- add njansa, seasoner, herb, parsley with a lowercase bit of thing if using a liquidizer to facilitate graduation. Immix until puree.
  4. Temperature up a saucepan with oil, then add the tomatoes motley, with rattling slight wet, alter to a temperature and simmer for near 10 minutes moving occasionally.
  5. Add mbongo alter, search, Maggi and saltish to the mixture; simmer for other 10 transactions or more until fish is done finished. Add wet as required to foreclose comedian.
  6. Conform for seasonings with flavoring or Maggi
  7. Answer warming with roil plantains

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