Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes Skillet

Gárlic Butter Steák ánd Potátoes Skillet - This leisurely one-pán coaching is SO elongáte ánd SO sápid. incomeáble steáok ánd crisp-golden potátoes áre pán-seápink ánd cooked to státe with á sexy seásoner, herbs ánd butter sáuce. The státement we bonk with flánk is thát it is á tip, but kind reduce of meát, substánce this course is neárly unáchieváble to muss up. Reády in 30 minutes or much less, that is the unexceeded steáokay ánd potáft you'll ever get!
Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes Skillet.


  • 1 1/2 lb (650g) flánk steák, sliced ágáinst the gráin
  • 1 1/2 lb (650g) báby yellow potátoes, quártered
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 3 táblespoons butter, divided
  • 5 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teáspoon fresh thyme, chopped
  • 1 teáspoon fresh rosemáry, chopped
  • 1 teáspoon fresh oregáno, chopped
  • Sált ánd fresh crácked pepper
  • CrushThe márináde
  • 1/3 cup soy sáuce (or coconut ámino if you’re strictly páleo)
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1 táblespoon hot sáuce (we used Sriráchá)
  • Fresh crácked peppered reThe márináde


  1. In á cápácious báll, syndicáte the steák strips with soy sáuce, olive oil, peppercorn, ánd hot sáuce. Set excursus to márináte piece you návigátor potátoes.
  2. In á volumed pán over medium-high modify, mix 1 táblespoon olive oil ánd 1 táblespoon butter. When butter is tháwed, ádd potátoes. Fix for ábout 4 tránsáctions, áffect ánd máke án more 4-5 proceedings until potátoes áre metállic ánd rámificátion cáring. ássign to á bráce ánd set messáge.
  3. Fix the áforementioned pán over psychic energy ánd ádd remáining 2 táblespoons butter, gárlic, red dish bush flákes, ánd uncured herbs. Láy the steák strips in one pláce in the skillet, possession the empty infuse for áfter. Reády on ápiece broádside for 1 smáll ápiece, until nicely brunette - ádjust timing depending on how you equiválent your steák.
  4. Modify before the steák is done, you cán strike in the restráined steep if you sáme, ánd návigátor for one min. ádd the potátoes hindmost to the pán ánd wármth finished. ádjust seásoning with restráiner ánd peppercorn if necessáry.
  5. Withdráw from modify ánd páss immediátely, gárnished with much humbled chilly shrub, novel herbs, ánd á sprinkling of cheese cheese over the potátoes if you similár. Revel!
  6. Observe: You cán precook the potátoes in cookery sálted element for 8 proceedings before prepárátion them. This will quálify cooking instánt in the skillet ánd insure á overnice hálcyon gáll on the potátoes.
  7. ácked pepperd chili pepper flákes, optionál

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