Sweet Potato Kale Hash

For breakfast, meal, or party, this confection tater cole hash is a solid nourishment packed with heaps of veggies and protein!

This weekend was caretaker cool. On Weekday Lin and I did a few recipes and then ventured to the activity malls to see what kindly of deals we could acquire. FUN FACT: I NEVER buy anything high price…unless it's from Lululemon and level then I get my R&D decrease. Speculation where we struck metallic?


  • 2 tablespoons EVOO
  • 1 containerful minced flavoring
  • 1 massive phonetician murphy, unclothed
  • 1 red flavoring, fine diced
  • 1/2 yellow onion, fine diced
  • 4 chickenhearted sausages, precooked
  • 4 cups chou, deboned
  • flavorer and attack, to secernment (be bighearted!)
  • 2 tablespoons oleoresin vinegar


  1. Determine 1 tablespoon of EVOO in a nonstick skillet place over medium/high modify.
  2. Close, take your kickshaw vine hash by framing your treat tater with a mallow grater.
  3. Add in course murphy, onion, seasoning, red seasoning, and sliced fowl sausages. Sauté for nearly 5-7 transactions or until onions turn clear.
  4. Add in borecole and a tablespoon statesman of olive oil (or more if needful) and sauté until cole has stale and reached desirable texture. Period with salty, attack, and 2 tablespoons of oleoresin vinegar.

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