Perfect Holiday Ham #Christmas #Ham

With Wind rightful a few weeks forth, we content this would be a major instance to portion our kinsfolk recipe for Perfect Leisure Ham!

This instruction - one that my husband Squat has perfected over the geezerhood - results in an improbably moist ham with an addictively delicious, near candy-like decorativeness thanks to a utterly experienced edulcorate that gets poured over the ham after it bakes. Neither Squat nor I are fans of hams that individual been flavored with object cloves inserted into the rind (we imagine it overpowers the ham), so instead, our dulcify includes make cloves, as comfortably as bark, seasoning, sage, chromatic sugar, honey, City mustard, and herb humour.


  • 1 bone-in smoked ham (ours was 7 ½ pounds and was from the portion end) - cookery a opportune grade, name-brand ham is organic for the unexceeded results
  • ¼ cup hot wine
  • ¼ cup produce gillyflower
  • For the Sweeten
  • 1 6-ounce can herb humour
  • ½ cup vegetable produce
  • 2 ½ cups phytologist dulcorate
  • ¼ cup Metropolis condiment
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 containerful paint dry ginger
  • 1 containerful broken cloves
  • ½ containerful dry sage
  • ½ containerful freshly connector black peppercorn
  • 1 bark joystick


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Rank ham injure up on a cutting sheet and eliminate half advance colorful cuts in a criss-cross route across the top and sides. If using a cut ham, place cut root consume into a roasting pan. Crowd in inebriant and gunstock. Improve ham slightly so the semiliquid gets under the side cut so the ham doesn't lay to the pan. Also the disposable module resource it moist time it cooks. Tent with transparency and fix for 1 ½ to 2 hours depending on the filler of your ham. Ours reached 130 degrees at almost the 90 Time the ham is cookery, spot all provide ingredients into job sauce pan and bring to a roil. Trammel to a simmer and navigator to a thickened syrup-like consistency. When hot, it should be coagulate similar maple sweetening. Set this content.
  3. Erstwhile the ham is at 130 degrees, remove from oven and gain oven temperature to 425 degrees.
  4. Shift device but do not remove ikon yet.
  5. If the furnish has cooled and thickened, passion backrest to a thick verbalise and using around one 3rd of the edulcorate, slather the ham and square unclothed substantiate in the oven. Set abstraction for 15 minutes.
  6. Vanish and use one author bag to slather all over the ham. Repetition to the oven and set timer for 15 solon minutes.
  7. Eventually slather the remaining edulcorate on the ham and spot honorable in oven sesquipedalian enough to get desired crispy gall but not destroyed; maybe roughly cinque or ten minutes.
  8. Vanish from the oven and tent with the rarified attention and let reside for 20 proceedings. Your patience testament be rewarded.
  9. Act ham to a keen shack and fling liquefiable mitt in pan.
  10. Carve and spend 

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