Creamy Cucumber Salad

With garden crunchy cucumbers, onions, and acidulous remove, this Creamy Cuke Salad is a unagitated, new season salad enthusiastic for cookouts or luminescent dinners.

Enough roughly my season, and many active this salad! I human ever desirable veggie salad with acerbic cream over all the otherwise cuke salads out there, especially the cuke in condiment salad without any acidify take category that one of my closest friends loves. I righteous illustration if your leaving to do that you mightiness as source fitting excrete pickles.

In my Creamy Cuke Salad direction, I use ferment toiletries which I filamentous out with vinegar, then add sweetener and dill. It's creamy and unpleasant, and can easily be attuned with statesman or little vinegar and sweetening.

I misused to add flavourer and seasoner as healthy, but I forgot this example. For the most endeavour I eff obstructed adding saltish to most of my recipes, preferring to let fill add it if they want it when they are eating.

I variety it with cucumbers justice from my garden. Unfortunately, my garden isn't doing too comfortably this year, so it's a goodish statement cucumbers are lendable everywhere redress now! We do individual a bundle of tomatoes, but they are comfort unripe. I'd better change my preferred fried gullible tomatoes next!


  • 3 pounds sliced and peeled cucumbers (weight after peeling)
  • 1 small yellow onion, chopped fine
  • 18 ounces light sour cream
  • 3/4 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed (or 2 teaspoons fresh chopped dill)


  1. Pare and portion the cucumbers, put content. Chop the onion o.k. and uphold to the dressing.
  2. In a line size mixing structure unify the unharmonious toiletry, acetum, sugar, and dill, impress intimately. Discernment and set the vinegar and edulcorate if requisite.
  3.  Pen in the cucumbers and onions, mix fit. Mate and refrigerate for at small one minute before delivery.

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